1. Personalized Study: The first amazing thing about a tutor is that he or she can judge a client’s personality, learning ability and capability. This would inform the approach to teaching he or she would adopt, which includes: timetables, class duration, teaching style etc. Human beings are uniquely created to assimilate differently, which means that what works for client A might be different from what works for client B. This analysis and personalized study plan can be better done or created in person.
  2. Communication clarity: Another advantage of a tutor is the fact that there is a 90 to a 100 percent chance that there is no miscommunication. To be honest, a lot of test takers still find it difficult to comprehend online material, and as a result misunderstand information which might be critical to learning. When you have the person right in front of you, the chances of that happening is zero to none, as you can ask direct questions and receive clarifications where necessary.
  3. Convenient pace: As a tutor, one of the major complaints I receive from clients is the fact that online resources can be a tad difficult to navigate through or process. These applications can be fast paced, advanced or even complicated to someone who might not be computer savvy, or who might prefer a much simpler learning approach. In other words, hiring a personal tutor might be much more convenient if the goal is to have a complete breakdown of the test at a pace that is not overwhelming.
  4. Human feel: It is also important to note that some test takers would find it much more comfortable dealing with a real life individual that an abstract content. While this is subjective, it is also a valid and appreciable factor to being successful at these tests. Not everyone can learn outside the classroom structure this means that they might need the extra nudge a tutor can give.
  5. Feedback! Feedback! Feedback! : Lastly, this I should like to say is the cherry on the cake. There is no underestimating what a good feedback on performance can do for the confidence of a test taker. One of a tutor’s main duty is to monitor the progress of his or her clients to ensure improvements are being made that guarantee success. The client is secure in the knowledge that his/her progress is being monitored in real time and he or she gets a feedback that lets him or her know the level of preparedness achieved.

There you have it, five reasons why you need a tutor. Please note that this article does not undermine the influence of online resources, it in fact notes that they also have their place in test preparation. This article only touches on the completeness to study and the all-round effect needed for success that a tutor brings.