An (SOP) Statement of Purpose or otherwise called (LOI) Letter of Intent/ Interest is in summary an essay required by graduate schools that allows applicants tell a personal story of their achievements, background, goals, purpose of study at the school and so on. The length of this essay is usually specified by the schools and some schools also state the structure and content required of each SOP, these specifications should be obeyed to the later. An SOP is one of the most important document you will be required to present to the admission board and here are five reasons why.

  1. Personalize your experience: one of the most important reasons for an SOP is that it lets the applicant tell his or her own story. It’s a way for the board to as the saying goes “hear it from the horse’s mouth” which means that each applicant is allowed to make the tale as personal as possible. He or she must make the SOP as uniquely theirs as possible because each applicant is judged by the uniqueness of their SOP, your personal experiences (struggles, goal, challenges, victories, passion, aspirations, background, etc.) give you an edge over other applicants.
  2. Convince the admission board: a second reason is that an SOP is the singular document that allows the applicant plead his case, you might want to consider this while writing an SOP. Each applicant would not be physically present to talk to the admission officer but the SOPs would and it is a sure way of convincing the officer or the board beyond your academic credentials that you should be accepted into your desired program. Your suitability, competence, experience, writing ability, character and many important traits would be decided upon based on your SOP. 
  3. Drum down your weaknesses: an SOP is also your opportunity to explain away eligibility shortcomings and trivialize them. Each applicant should make use of this opportunity to talk about weaknesses he or she perceives in their application, be it a low GPA, low test of English score or any other trait that could affect their application. Often times a good SOP makes the difference between a rejection and an acceptance.
  4. Play up your strengths: in the same way a good SOP helps each applicant “blow their own trumpet” this way your achievements overshadow your flaws. Applicants must also be careful not to overdo this feature as a great SOP is a balance of all components. Nevertheless playing up your strength when done right will definitely score some good points with the admission board.
  5. Outshine other applicants: one thing an SOP must do is be memorable. Each applicant should know that the admission officer reads an average of a thousand (1000) SOPs each year, therefore, you must write one that stands you out from the rest. Your SOP should leave a memorable impact on the admission officer as this is part of what informs his or her decision.

To close up this article, here are some tips on how to write an amazing SOP or LOI: be unique, write with skill, be clear and specific about your experiences, state specific professional goals, be true to yourself, do not rush the essay, and lastly, get expert feedback.

There is no doubt that a statement of purpose has a major influence on the admission process in overseas. Having the hold of strong powers, SOP is one document which can either make or break your chances of getting enrolled in your dream Universities. Therefore, it is recommended to seek help from the experienced and qualified SOP Writers to ensure the worth of your SOP.

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