Of all the international tests of English language IELTS and TOEFL are the most popular. Often times because of this popularity, test takers are confused about which of the tests to take. IELTS General has the upper hand because it’s the only test for now used for migration purposes, so on that end at least, there is zero deliberation needed. However, for study options it can be a tough choice between the IELTS Academic and the TOEFL Tests. In this article I will attempt to help test takers choose the test that is best for them individually by answering one specific IELTS vs. TOEFL frequently asked question. After which each tests taker must choose a test that meets their own personal needs.

Question: Which test should I take? The short answer to this question is that you can take either of the tests as both are widely accepted by schools abroad. However, you can consider the following factors while deciding.

  1. Choice of school: You must first visit your school site and find out which of the tests is required. Some schools require one test over the others, and other schools accept both TOEFL and IELTS. If your school falls in the category of the later then check out the next factor.
  2. Personal strengths: This is the next thing to consider when choosing a test. You should decide on a test that makes you more comfortable as this is a major help with your scores. Let’s look at both tests and see which caters for your strengths.
  • Question Types: a major difference between the IELTS and the TOEFL is the multiple choice vs. short answer question type. For the Reading and Listening sections, you will have to write your own answers for many of the questions on the IELTS, while all the answer choices will be given to you on the TOEFL. The TOEFL questions on these sections are not all multiple-choice, but most of them are, and for the ones that are not, you will not have to produce your own answers. On the IELTS, you will have to come up with your own answers for many questions. The question here is which are you more comfortable with, finding your own answers or choosing from a list of possible answers?
  • Computer based vs. Paper based: Although there is a paper delivered TOEFL test, the most common is the TOEFL Internet Based Test (IBT) which means that almost everyone who writes the TOEFL test writes the IBT version because it is more widely accepted and available. In contrast, the IELTS although similarly available in both Paper based and Internet based format is more popular and available in Paper based format, as such almost everyone who writes the IELTS writes the Paper based test. The question here is also the question of which you are more comfortable with, Computer or paper?
  • Reading Passages: Another difference between both exams is the content of the reading passages. If you are unfamiliar with the format of the TOEFL or IELTS exam please click this link to go to my previous article on (all about the IELTS and TOEFL). While both tests are academic in nature, the IELTS vocabulary is more familiar when compared to the more advanced academic vocabulary of the TOEFL. The IELTS uses academic texts as well as passages from newspapers and magazines. The TOEFL only uses academic texts, which means its reading passages contain more challenging vocabulary, ideologies and make understanding them a little difficult.
  • Speaking mode of delivery: the TOEFL speaking section is computer delivered while the IELTS speaking is done as an in person oral interview. What this means is that for the TOEFL exam, each test taker gets to talk into a microphone to the computer while test takers on the IELTS get to meet with an interviewer in person and talk with him or her. This factor is a great determinant for a lot of test takers as people vary on how they would like to speak. Some prefer to talk to a real life person while others will be much more comfortable talking to the computer. It is also important to note that the speaking on the TOEFL is the third section of the exam but on the IELTS it is done on a different day, sometimes up to one week before the other papers.

The questions here is do you prefer talking to a person or are you the shy test taker who would rather talk into the void? Secondly, would you rather do the whole test in a day and get it over with or would breaking up the tests be more preferable?

  • Writing preference: Both the IELTS and the TOEFL require you to write two essays for the Writing section. However, IELTS gives you 60 minutes to write a stipulated 400 words, while TOEFL gives you 50 minutes to write about 500 words. This means that if you find it difficult to come up with content for your writing, then the IELTS might be a better choice as it requires less number of words and more time to do so, you must also remember that the IELTS is paper delivered so you might have to consider the legibility of your hand writing. It’s important to note that neither test will penalize you for using either the British or the American, as long as your answers are fluent, clear, and, of course, correct.
  • Listening audio: For the IELTS listening section, the audio and questions are given simultaneously, which means that you listen to the audio while you answer the questions. The TOEFL on the other hand, you will have to listen to the full audio first, before you are able to answer any questions. Some test takers feel that answering while listening could be a distraction while other believe that they cannot trust their memory. The question here is would you prefer to listen first and answer from memory or would you rather have the opportunity to answer while you listen?

3.   Location: Haven looked at what both tests require, the next factor to consider is the centers available for the tests and the times scheduled. This is a factor of convenience which is important when taking any test. Which of the exams has a center closer to your location and which of them is scheduled at a time convenient for you.

4.   Timing: if you are aware of the exam formats or you have looked at my article on all about the IELTS and TOEFL, you would realize that there is a vast difference between the timing for the IELTS and that of TOEFL. While IELTS last for about two hours forty five minutes (2hrs 45mins.), TOEFL is about (3hrs 30mins.) three hours thirty minutes long.

5.   Cost of test: The costs of both exams vary from time to time, however, TOEFL is relatively cheaper than the IELTS. TOEFL typically cost about $160- $200 while IELTS costs about $200- $250. So you might want to consider your pockets while making your decision.

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