In 2016, a total of 179,145 non-immigrant US visas were issued to Nigerians. In 2017, the number reduced to 168,980, and in 2018 it further reduced to a total of 143,783. A critical look at these numbers would reveal that 2018 marks a significant increase in US visa denials for Nigerians. As at now, data for 2019 has not been published yet.

The above data released by the US department of state has revealed a high reduction in the number of Nigerians that received the US non-immigrant visa in the last three (3) years. According to Sahara Reporters “Nigeria has been listed among countries like Iran, Venezuela, and others with high refusal rate for B-visas.

According to the US Embassy in an attempt to explain the increased visa denials, state thus “we do not enjoy denying Nigerian visa contrary to popular opinion”. They further explained that there are some questions Nigerians often misunderstand which lead to rejections.

Consequently, Nigerians have developed a weariness in applying for the US visa for fear of rejection. Let’s face it, no one likes to be rejected! The thought of all the time wasted, efforts rendered futile from tedious processes and of course the non-refundable status of application fee all lead to frustration, depression and in some cases outright tears.

Over the years, Wikitrips has successfully assisted countless applicants in procuring US visas. This daily endeavor on our part has equipped our array of dedicated staff with a wide range expertise, experience and network channel. It is therefore on this authority provided by these achievements that we can confidently state –with careful research on the activities of the US Embassy and our dealings with them- that our services and perspective can in all confidence give each applicant an edge that allows them stand out for a successful US visa application.

Find below an authoritative guide to (7) seven factors that contribute to US visa denied status for Nigerian applicant.

  1. OVERSTAY: failure to respect visa limitations thereby staying longer than necessary is a major factor that can lead to subsequent denied visa application. It is advisable to stay within the boundaries of stipulated travel time to avoid future consequences.
  2. MISREPRESENTATION OF INFORMATION: Applicants, who attempt to present false information and travel documents to the embassy or consulate, by misrepresenting their identity, using fake documents, result in an absolute visa denial and other accompanying unfavorable consequences.
  3. NONE PAYMENT OF BILLS: This may especially apply to mothers who have their children abroad and also to all others who use medical facilities abroad. Sometimes, a foreigner in the US could have an outstanding bill even when he or she has successfully completed his or her bill payment. Countries like the US would expect you to present a zero balance receipt showing that you had made payment. However, there’s a threshold quota that must be met beyond which there will be questions asked, questions which might affect your visa application status.
  4. IMPROPER FILLING OF DOCUMENTS: Simple and otherwise negligible errors can also be a factor for a denied visa. Attention should be paid to all information being supplied no matter how insignificant, if possible an expert opinion should be consulted just to be doubly sure that you have, understood the questions, filled the application correctly and communicated the right impression.
  5. SUSPICIOUS CONTACT PERSON: When you provide a contact person, the Embassy would like to make sure that this person is not involved in suspicious or illegal activities. Over and above that, they would also want to be satisfied that the person has not in any way faulted Embassy visa regulations directly or indirectly. Your application may be denied if such contact person raises suspicion of any kind whether or not they are directly involved in illegal activities.
  6. OMISSION OF VITAL INFORMATION: Providing insufficient information due to negligence, oversight or ignorance can affect the status of your visa. Things like marital status, job status, criminal records and others are not outside the reach of the consulate even if they do not mention it. Not expressly stating this information whether intentionally or not, may present the wrong impression and may lead to a visa denied status. Some applicants in other cases may go as far as to try to hide easily verifiable vital information from the consulate; this would certainly leave its consequences.
  7. ILLEGAL MIGRATION OF SPOUSE OR FAMILY MEMBER: Another common factor is the act of illegally migrating into a foreign country popularly known as ‘running away’ or ‘absconding’.  Just because you have done this successfully does not guarantee that the consulate is unaware of it as the Embassy thrives on proper and extensive documentation. Illegally setting your family up in the US in one way or another might be a negative influence on your visa application.

All these are some of the basic reasons why your US visa could be denied. For further enquiries, consultations and assistance with visa procuring, kindly contact us at 206 Muriokunola Street, Victoria Island, Lagos. Or call us on (234) 014532523,(234) 07056578755, (234) 08168489751